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Friday, November 6, 2009

Anecdotes. Next writing task. Pre-writing activity.

You are going to write, in groups of four, an anecdote based on one of the commercials in the video below. Do not write more than 150words. You should be able to express your ideas in a text of this length. Your text does not need to be complex, but it should give details that allow the reader to have a clear mental image of the story you are telling.
It is very important that you use cohesive markers, using the right verb tenses and time references, as well as the appropriate connectors and linking words. COHESION AND COHERENCE MISTAKES WILL BE INTRODUCED IN YOUR CORRECTION. (CHS) (CHC).
A written anecdote has similarities with a spoken anecdote: 1) It is told in 1st person and 2) very formal expressions are not used. However, there are important differences:
- Do not use vague language and as many contractions as in spoken language.
- Use linking expressions (see linking); do not repeat expressions or use but at the start of a sentence.

Adverbials: Suddenly (I was standing there. Suddenly, I heard a noise), eventually (Eventually I got back home after a really long journey), at last (I saw my dad coming. At last, I started to feel a bit more relaxed).
Conjunctions: As soon as (As soon as we finished, we went outside to take the car), while (I arrived while they were having lunch) when (when he arrived I was watching TV) once (once he left the show was no longer the same).

TIPS:- Use past tenses coherently.
- Learn time connectors to link events
- Try to make your anecdote interesting and more dramatic (e.g. direct or reported speech, include any brief dialogue, leave suspense till the end, include an unexpected ending)
Check vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure before you hand it in or e-mail to me.
Example: (1ST VIDEO): Yesterday evening I was going to have dinner at my place with my girlfriend. I got home and went to the kitchen to unpack the things I had bought at the supermarket:some tomato sauce, some meat and some pasta to make spaghetti bolognese.
I put the saucepan on the cooker, and I only looked away for half a second, but it was enough time for my cat to jump onto the cooker and spill the sauce on the floor. The cat got covered in sauce too.
When I was picking up the cat, who was then all red, my girlfiend came in. She saw me standing in the kitchen with the cat in one hand and a big knife in the other. I had picked up the knife before to cut the onions. I think my girlfriend thought I had just killed the cat, because she ran out of the flat and now she never answers my phone calls!!

Some help on the second and the third:
Girl: I hope she sings this tonight
Girl: Hey dad, pull over, we need gum
Dad: Oh honey, here’s some money
Policeman: What have we got here?
Dad: I’m her daddy.

Doctor 1 (mumbling): … fractured fibula … gonna be able to go home tomorrow.
Mum: Daddy’s going to be so excited!
Doctor 2: That killed him.

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